
It's just me, a curious dreamer.

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sabby boo. · 4mo

thoughts on sabby yang kamu janjiin nobar tapi malah ditinggal

Sabby anaknya ceriwis, keliatan kayak little sister vibe gitu. JANGAN GITU BY, maafin. :(

sabby boo. · 4mo

Abram, kasih tau aku gimana cara kamu menikmati hidup!

· 6 answers · 6mo

following the bandwagon, mind to tell me your thoughts on this user? <3

Sure! Apa ya.. so far, you seems nice and you have a random side, it shown. Sayang kita belum ada obrolan panjang, jadi gak bisa kasih thoughts banyak buat saat ini. Semoga abis ini bisa makin sering ngobrolnya, Dara.

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

bram, gue latah. thoughts on Miloo

Boleh dut. Kita kenal di satu closed yang itu tuh, awalnya emang udah mulai banyak ngobrol sih tapi gak sebanyak sekarang. Makin kesini, makin keliatan akrabnya gue liat-liat. Terus lu tuh seneng banget ketemu yang bisa bahasa sunda, which is gue. Selain itu, lu juga gak mau kehilangan gue kan? Ngaku. :) BERCANDA. Tapi so far, lu temen ngobrol random yang baik buat gue, Mils.

C. Marie · 6mo

thoughts on Marie!

I ever called you as "Camar". You're a good friend with whom I'd want to converse for hours. Also, you are lovely just by being exist.

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

I think you're cute.

Eh? Thanks for saying that, Non. But my curious mind can't help but wonder which part of me you think is cute? Since I never believe I'm cute.

𐙚 · 2 answers · 6mo

What's your mbti? And did you believe personality based on mbti?

The last time I checked it, it was ISFJ. Not really? Cause not all of it valid to my personality.

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

Do your friends know much about your life?

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

What is the worst thing ever?

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

Who is your favourite Retrospring user?

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

Do you prefer to watch movies or read books?

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

What would you do if you woke up with someone else next to you?

Uncool Anonymous · 6mo

Have you ever pet an owl?

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