C. Marie

Flaunting confidence and curves 💋

Glasglow, Scotland.
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𝓐 din · 13 answers · 6mo

saran liptint yang bagus sekalian sama shadenya yang cocok buat warm tone dong, ciwi ciwii! yang harganya aman juga buat pelajarr

Coward Bitches · 6mo

hey. tell me your favorite film lately

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island! just watched it few days ago with my friend and it was soooo gewd, aku kemana aja ya selama ini baru nonton film selucu itu. kalau kamu?

Coward Bitches · 6mo

Hi C! what’s your man-idol that just like your ideal man?

hello anonymous! uhm, my ideal man-idol has to be Jung Jaehyun. despite his initial air of mystery, he's truly soft, bubbly, and silly. moreover, he is smart and that intellectual aspect is something i really adore from a man!

Cheryl. · 9 answers · 6mo

What's one habit that you start this 2024?

Coward Bitches · 8mo

I totally understand and respect your wish to not talk about your love life here. Your comfort and privacy are important, I appreciate you letting me know. Thanks, Cassel.

Coward Bitches · 8mo

Hey Cassel, I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you set your eyes on someone right now? I hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries by asking, just genuinely curious. Let me know if you're comfortable sharing.

Hey. Thanks for your thoughtful message. I appreciate your curiosity but I find it a bit uncomfortable to discuss about my love life in a public setting like this. I hope you understand that I'd prefer not to give an answer regarding this matter. 🖤

Coward Bitches · 9mo

hy bleh nnya gx..

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