RhymewithRay · 16 answers · 2y

how does your oc handle crushes?

Briar is usually pretty smooth when it comes to crushes, as long as it's just a casual, possible short-term crush. She has no problem inviting the person for dinner or in a date and knows some pick-up lines. She's pretty casual about the whole thing because she has rarely experienced real love, so she sees it as an opportunity for a good time for both her and her 'crush'.

However, when she goes pass the 'casual crush' stage and realizes that she's actually, genuinely in love, she gets so nervous when talking to that person. She'd try to keep acting smooth as always but they can always notice her nervousness, and would try to take things slow as to not ruin the possible relationship. She gets so embarrassingly nervous and excited over any little thing her crush does that she can't believe that's a part of her personality.

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