RhymewithRay · 11 answers · 2y

What is a red flag for you when looking at writing characters?

Hmmm I guess the same everyone else said, making an OC too perfect and stuff. Even when I have an OC who's a prodigy in some field, I give them enough things to counterbalance that fact LOL

I also wouldn't say this is a red flag and I don't mind if people like doing this, it's just something I personally avoid (I think) but I don't do well with basing an OC's personality off a single trope in terms of personality. Idk, it's just something that's not my thing LOL I like to spice things up in some ways. Which I mean, I do use tropes for inspiration sometimes but I don't limit them to that trope, sometimes I like to go beyond the limit and even explore things that might seem contrasting to the trope but just like real people aren't limited to single personality traits, I like my OCs to also have that depth LOL

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