Nick · 9 answers · 2y

Your OC comes across a crying lost child. What do they do?

she's the reason they're crying /j

Okay but on a more serious note, Briar is surprisingly good with kids LOL She's not trying to be good on purpose but kids just see her as cool, maybe it's her vibes and her whole aura lmao She has these big sister/aunt vibes to her lol And she's surprisingly good at distracting kids (maybe by showing them fire tricks with her Pokémon) and would call the authorities or something and stay with the kid there to wait for their parents to find them. If the parents take too long she would probably buy them dinner and candies/sweets lol Briar is mean and sarcastic but she can't see herself being mean to little kids lol

Needless to say, she doesn't want to see herself in that situation ever in her life.

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