Nick · 9 answers · 2y

Your OC comes across a crying lost child. What do they do?

Nat would flinch, she's not...particularly fond of children. However she'd be as gentle as she could be (Iris is a big help since she's small and cute and can calm the child down) and help the child get back to their parents.

Kid's getting a Genesect ride to the nearest responsible adult (Wily does not count himself in that).

Odd and Mauve would tag-team, Odd staying by the child and trying to be an assuring presence while Mauve would look around the area for the kid's parent(s)/guardian

Kingston: tries to help, ends up scaring child by accident
Ruth: "are you lost" "yea" "me too..." they sit there and wait for the kids mom tgt
Mira stays with the kid and calls the authorities so they can take care of it
Sadie ignores child (she wont help unless ppl are around to witness her doing a kind deed)

Balei: Reassuring the child and making sure they feel safe and comfortable

Fausto: Being loud and a bit mean but still trying to help the kid find their way back home or wherever they came from

Dama: Lifting the child by the leg shouting “AY WHO’S LIL RUNT IS THIS!!”

Jasmine: Calms them down and softly asks them whats wrong and what she can do to help

Andres: gets on the kid's eye level and asks them whats wrong

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