RhymewithRay · 20 answers · 2y

How does your oc feel about their parents?

Their relationship is soooo difficult 🥴

On one hand, she loathes her mother because she was always so strict, defensive and prone to start arguments. Which is ironic because Briar is kinda similar to her (but don't tell her this unless you want her to hate you). But yeah, Briar had a difficult childhood because of her mother's attitude, but at the same time she is... conflicted? Because even in the present she tries to find her approval in what she does, even if it doesn't really mean anything now because they live away from each other. Briar doesn't know sometimes if she wants to hate her or what, because hating her feels wrong—she wants her attention, but hates her. But is still pursuing her love that was conditioned by how well she performed academically, which she continues to do. She really wants to just hate her mother but can't help but want her approval too. It's too difficult to think about for her.

And just because they don't live in the same region doesn't mean that Briar 'cut her off'. I don't think Briar could stand arguing with her and would definitely feel guilty if she just ignored her, so they speak sometimes.

As for her father, she also doesn't know how to feel about him. Her father was the better parent and the one who connected with her the most—he taught her about music, which she would love for the rest of her life, and he also gifted her who would become one of her most trusted Pokémon: Houndoom. But even so, she still had bad memories of him, and not because he was mean, it was just that her father only thought about himself. When she argued with her mother, her father would take her mother's side to avoid getting in problems with her. Briar grew up feeling powerless in her own house and because he never took her side, not even once, she loathes him.

Her father got a divorce when Briar was already an adult and tried to make his life in Galar (because Briar was there), they even lived together and Briar hated talking to him because he was pretending that he did no wrong back at home when she was younger. He never apologized or anything and Briar was resentful because of this. But at the time time, she felt she was being unfair—I mean, he was never MEAN to her. So these conflicting feelings always make her have a bad time.

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