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O. Helena · 9 answers · 3mo

Kalau naik-naik ke puncak gunung, lihat kanan kiri banyak pohon cemara. Nah, kalau naik-naik ke puncak kesuksesan, lihat kanan kiri banyak apanya?

Arshila · 4mo

Kapan kita mcd date lagi mbak? 🤪

Yuk kita jadwalkan, bu dokter cantik! Tapi jangan minggu ini soalnya aku enggak di Jakarta. Sekalian nanti kita bahas siapa tau ada ide date lain yang lebih menarik. 😋

O. Helena · 11 answers · 4mo

Curiousity hits me. Hal apa yang pertama dicari pas sampai di rumah?

Kamar mandi. Udah kebiasaan dari kecil kalau begitu pulang dari luar itu harus cuci tangan sama kaki sebelum leha-leha atau ngelakuin hal lain.

Anonym · 6mo

What do you do when someone lies to you?

Nothing. I'll let karma do its work on them. If I do something, it will just drain lots of my energy. But, I'm a quite observant person and I connect the dots in silence. It's a bullet to my heart but you've disrespected me the moment you lied to me. You're totally wrong if you think I don't have any idea about it because I always find the truth whether it's accidentally or not. Just don't blame if I turn to be cold and dry toward you and don't blame me if I decide to turn my back on you without any warning someday.

REGINA · 4 answers · 6mo

How do you make peace with your wounds?

O. Helena · 8 answers · 6mo

Tell me your secret that's no longer a secret.

Menghindari ambil perkara tentang hukum keluarga soalnya masih trauma karena beberapa kasus sewaktu di LBH kampus dulu.

SAMMY ZEVANYA · 12 answers · 6mo

Kalau bosen, enaknya ngapain ya?

Jalan-jalan, nonton sambil makan junk food, atau olahraga biar begitu beres langsung tidur.

O. Helena · 5 answers · 6mo

How do you cope with sadness?

I like to isolate myself and take my own time to acknowledge what's happening. If it's too heavy, I'll pour my feelings by letting myself to get a good cry.

O. Helena · 5 answers · 6mo

What is the best thing that people ever told about you?

There's a lot but these are the ones I remember the most:

"Thank you for doing your best, sweetheart. I'm proud of you."
"You're the best."
"You're enough."

Hawa Mandhari · 6mo

Hai Mba Jani cantikku 😆

Nadilla Shima Adijaya · 6mo

Stop galau. Mending cintai aku aja, Teh.

Mencintai kamu sih udah dan selalu tapi pertanyaannya adalahㅡ SIAPA YANG GALAU? AKU ENGGAK GALAU.😭🫵🏻

SAMMY ZEVANYA · 8 answers · 6mo

Your 2024 resolution is ...?

Prioritizing myself (especially my peace) and being committed to a healthier sleeping schedule.

SAMMY ZEVANYA · 8 answers · 6mo

Kalau disuruh bayangin, di 2024 kalian bakal ketemu sama aku—Summer—dalam situasi apa?

Nadilla Shima Adijaya · 6mo

Teteh Jani. Kenapa kodok nggak boleh mejeng di POM Bensin?

Karena...takut malah nambahin antrean? SERIUSAN ENGGAK TAU, PLEASE KASIH TAU AKU JAWABANNYA.

Pranahita. · 6mo

Mami, apa benar Kenzo aslinya kudisan?

Kevin, udah 2024 lho ini tapi kok hobinya malah memancing keributan ya? Coba tanyain aja sama kakakmu itu ya. Trims. (mematikan mic-mu)

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