Vivi · 5 answers · 2y

When is your oc’s birthday? :) Do they celebrate?

Like mine, Elio and the rest of the Argentium siblings - younger and older, are all born on December 14th; but unlike me, they were precisely born at midnight. When people started to investigate and interview them, they chalked up their births as either superstition - which gives credence to them being so fortunate and talented, or "a lucky coincidence".

To answer the second question: Yes, yes they do!

It's pretty much mandatory since every sibling in the family being born on the exact same day at the exact same hour isn't something to scoff at. While each sibling has a pre-party with their friends days before the actual event, on the day of, there's an official gala with all the important individuals in the region that's hosted at the Argentium Estate. It's easily considered one of the biggest social events in Unova, having live news coverage, a red carpet, and everything else swanky and attention-grabbing - much to the siblings' chagrin since they prefer to keep everything in-house and they have to mingle with people who will perpetually try to curry favor with them.

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