Vivi · 5 answers · 2y

When is your oc’s birthday? :) Do they celebrate?

(I'm terrified to commit to giving any of my ocs birthdays bc I know I'll forget them anyway ALJSDF)

J's birthday is the 26th of June! He doesn't really like to celebrate, so much as the people around him celebrate for him :') his family always get him to agree to an outing or big meal for the day when really he would just rather spend some time alone. But still her agrees to it every time so as not to disappoint them.

Maribeth's birthday is September 30th! While there isn't much celebration involved, her father bakes her favourite food as a treat once a year - seeded honey muffins! She specifically asked him not to make them more often so they can remain a treat for her :3

Tina's birthday is on April 30th, like mine!
She uses to celebrate it properly before the age of 14 with her friends and family, but after that, she became too busy and couldn't make time for it, she even forgot it a couple of times due to her champion duties.
After her retirement, she began to slowly but surely get back to celebrating her birthday, but it's usually with really close friends and nearby family with a simple meal and outing, nothing very fancy.

October 27th ! ♡ And she likes celebrating it because of all the attention she gets. She doesn't really party or anything like that, but she still gets some gifts and some years her close friends have organized her some surprises and she gets the right amount of spoiling she likes. Some years she travels out of Galar (she usually takes a vacation right after summer ends) so, if she can, she extends it until her birthday so she can spend that day in another place (:

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