
Look like art in the form of a poem, an embodiment of ancient poem persona.

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Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Halo kakk, minta tolong jawaban retro yang ada usernamenya didelete tweetnya kak huhuhu makasih yaaa 🙏

Halo udah aku jawab ya, tadi aku tanya suka temennya yang mana ya sama kenapa usernya di delete itu, boleh dm— kalo mau tanya-tanya temenku itu nanti tak kenalin.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

I choose anywhere door, with this magical door wanna go to travel instantly to any location what's I want.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Kak temenku @sumdn katanya mau sama temen kakak, bisa stalk aja profilnya!

Temen yang satu mana, yang kemaren di promosiin ya? semuanya masih available boleh DM aja jangan malu malu dong

Cherry · 15 answers · 4mo

songs that is dominating your mind currently, go!

Kalila Mika Maheswari · 4 answers · 8mo

Siapa yang mau mutualan di akun twitter? Jangan lgbt phobic atau under 18th. I'm legal age (20+)

Alby. · 12 answers · 8mo

Any recomend for netflix movie to watch?

if you like romance genre you should watch The Notebook, Call Me by Your Name (boyslove!). Passenger (sci-fi), Sister Death (horor), Little woman (romance, drama), Lady Bird (teenage, slice of life, drama), Slumberland (sci-fi, fantasy).

Eros Shane · 10mo

I love you so muchie

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