Sean ⚡🤖 · 13 answers · 4y

How big a deal is a language barrier for you in a relationship? Like if you were very physically attracted but they barely spoke a word you could understand? Would you make the effort to learn their language? Want them to learn yours?

Hm, if the spell is cast you only need touch and eye contact in my book. Language is overrated in such a situation. But let's pretend it is even more serious than physical attraction, I am in both cases willing to learn more French. But I admit before I could reasonably well communicate in Chinese I would be sexually exhausted. In fact I did learn first the body language of my ex and her Russian afterwards. Or a little bit of her Ukrainian Russian. We often had to exchange in a mix. Her French was always better than mine, my Russian was abysmal despite my effort, her English was awful, but I taught her some German which she adopted quickly. She loved German. But what really crushed me any time was when she talked Russian. It is a very good language to utter sweet talk and "dirty" talk and Russian has a huge ability and range for that. There are a dozen prime ways to say "I love you" in it. Let alone all the subtle different ways of complimenting, Russian is very diverse and rich in that. I am generally bad learning languages. I totally lack talent and I only advance at a slow pace when constantly under pressure. But I balance it out with good kissing. My ex was actually very fond of my tongue, lol.

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