Kate Matsuda · 4 answers · 5y

People are so stunned that in Ukraine they elected a comedian for president. I think they are wise in doing so, since we all know that some other people elected a notorious liar and general arse for president, so why are people stunned today?

Sorry, I didn't login for a while.
I don't understand your question. Personally I don't care about any political situation in democratics coutries, because population have voted for this.
In the other hand, if someone leave a country to come to mine, I will help him.

At least it wasn't a con man TV game show host like in America. I can think of exactly no one who'd be worse.

They shouldn't be stunned if they are paying attention. People are suffering all over the world at the hands of leaders who are at best indifferent and ineffectual and at worst evil - they'll turn to literally anyone who's not one of them. I think what's happening in France right now with the yellow vests is likely to catch on other places, even if the media (in America anyway) gives it near zero coverage

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