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Some random guy that lurks on the internets and does stuff.

The World
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Chinry · 6 answers · 2y

So you have characters based on movies/TV shows/books that are NOT directly involved in the original fandom? For example, having a bandicoot called Bilbo

Funny enough I actually have a human OC for Sonic that I ende up naming Dante.
Mainly for Dante's inferno, but also it could be seen as a DMC reference. Though then again I'm pretty sure DMC takes it from Dante's Inferno

Chinry · 4 answers · 3y

Any new OCs in the works?

Chinry · 5 answers · 3y

Do you have an OC you've given up on? Either given away or never plan to use again? If so, why?

I've got a few characters I've kinda forgotten? or just don't use for some reason
not sure I'll count that as given up on tho

Chinry · 6 answers · 3y

Are you still adding new lore to your longest standing OCs?

Chinry · 5 answers · 3y

Which OC do you love, but rarely draw/talk about?

Chinry · 5 answers · 3y

What is your process for creating a new OC?

Honestly, it's pretty slap-dash. Usually, I just get the idea of "hey what if I have this type of character," and then I just go from there.

Developing them from there is a gradual thing, pretty much. And I roll with whatever I come up with.

BloodOSeverity · 5 answers · 3y

Which character of yours do you relate most to? Why?

Hmmm. I've never thought bout that, much!

I think honestly, it's several characters. First is my raven boy Phillip. Mainly because he's both an asshole a lot of the time, but also does care deep down. And that he's good in very specific things while being more middling in others.

Then there's my lizard girl, Ophelia. She knows a lot of stuff in general, but she's an absolute disaster. Can tell or find out for you the capitals of an ancient empire, but can't find her phone if she sets it down in a spot she doesn't usually. Also, she's bi. Though more aggressively bi I think than I am, lol.

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Do you like the comic strip Garfield by Jim Davis

Do I like Garfield? Why yes, I suppose I like it well enough.

Garfield is a pretty cool dude. Eh kills lasagnas and doesn't afraid of anything

Anonymous Coward · 3y

What's your favorite thing to do in a free day?

oh heck uhhh

tbh I really don't do a lot on free days, cause that's practically ALL I have.
Gotta get onto the job grind lmao

As for favorite...I think arting/writing when I get my brain into it. I need to do that more often lol

Anonymous Coward · 3y

pizza or hot dog

Pizza tbh

Hot dogs aren't bad persay, but you can put a lot more stuff on a pizza. And there's more left over, when you eat responsibly.

Which granted I have some issue with XD

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