Mad · 7 answers · 2y

Whats your general MO when it comes to creating OC's? Do you try and give 'em a clean detailed written beginning and end? Make em a sandbox style, built for interactions kinda theme?

For me it usually starts with either a core idea I think is interesting, or a funny idea for a joke/interaction, then I build a character around that.

So like having the spitting image of a final villain being a supporting NPC(Wily), or someone who constantly sees death being chipper and kind instead of jaded(Polly)

Sivrit started with a joke about him being mad at someone for looking like a draconid when using battle bond, and that turned into this idea of a proud and honorable draconid warrior with anger issues.

Another example is how Salvador started as a parody of the "faceless hentai guy" including being gigantic, but he's both super nice, kind of a loser and a virgin(until Ranae).

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