Marsel Ard · 13 answers · 1y

So, would you like to rate ur Monday? Is it all going well?

monday has always been a mixed feelings day for me, there is time when i feel excited and there is time when i feel not at all. at the same time monday is the starter day for the week, so i think it is as a new challenge for me as well.

monday was so-so. the first half of the day went well, but the other half was kinda shitty. ^__^

Hari ini baik" aja si wlopun bosen dikittttt, aku rate 8/10 krn tadi makan ayam geprek. Hbu Marsel? ada yg bikin happy ngga?

7/10? Not really but i still cherish all the moments that happened today. Thank you for asking! How about yours, Marsel?

mmm this Monday… I would rate it 4 out of 10? It was pretty well but I’m not in a well situation to enjoy every activities today, kinda feel sick but overall it’s finee!

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