Lilyana Zhou
Edinburgh, Scotland
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· 6 answers · 6mo

following the bandwagon, mind to tell me your thoughts on this user? <3

hi, we rarely talk. i couldn't imagine any special moment between us, but you seem funny.

roseateliers · 6mo

Pretty Lily, do tell me what sparks your heart with joy these days — even if the most trivial tidbits.

hi lia! hi five 🖐🏻 well actually i just finish watch 13 going 30 and one things to say is i love childhood friend-to-lovers tropes 🌹 i love how innocent we are to know love, to choose a friendship, an old friend over a deadass cool guy over the street i mean, it always the one who could understand us the most at the end of the day. and it melts my heart, immediately ♡

wind whipers · 6mo

hi ngabbers 🤺

wind whipers · 7mo

how's your day?

thankyou for asking sender. my saturday night was well spent with mom and dad (and sister). we watched free volleyball league after finishing dinner and mom cooked ayam geprek for us (my special request). she also grilled some gethuk for me that was made from talas (like an ube) and .. yea i think thats all from me.

hbu? can i know your story?

Lucien Pinietra. · 1y

Hello, may i got a follow back?

aina 爱 · 25 answers · 1y

choose one country to travel there for 2 weeks, a little explanation would be good too!

Marsel Ard · 13 answers · 1y

So, would you like to rate ur Monday? Is it all going well?

Noah · 27 answers · 1y

Prefer mie ayam atau bakso?

Noah, what am I supposed to do like I'm seeing your question at 3.40 AM and now I'm craving one of them. completely bakso over mie ayam.

Camilla Kathleen · 17 answers · 1y

good evening! have things been going well??

hi Camilla, thank you for asking because I must say yes and how about you? did Monday treat you well?

Sergius. · 14 answers · 1y

We do know that Virtual Reality (VR) exists and is being developed rapidly. Imagine we are already living in the era where VR is already used in our everyday life. No matter where we go, people use VR (References: Ready Player One/Sword Art Online). What do you think you will do?

I will use it wisely, according to my needs and I won't let those things take my time to meet people (in real) or have quality time. it shouldn't take our freedom.

clauraa · 19 answers · 1y

aku pen watch a movies or anime tapi ga tau apaaaaa. Soooo can u give me some recommendation ???

Yogas Kazue. · 28 answers · 1y

guys, can you recommend me a song that can i play while nugas? (tired)

well, i've some suggestion. you can search with, "ethereal dreamy song", "music to calm down", and "rainy cozy day in bed".

wind whipers · 1y

What's a compliment that made you feel special?

I don't have any specific one, and I think it always depends on the situation. as long isn't a backhanded compliment that person could make me feel (more than) special.

lettaaaa 💗💥 · 9 answers · 1y

tell me something you always wanted to do as a child but never got to do

beli bando pengantin. serius, aku selalu dimarahin karena waktu itu harganya mahal banget (maaf tante) dan aku ngotot demi mewujudkan khayalan ku yang nggak MASOK. and, another things is rambut palsu, cat kuku, sama sepatu yang bisa nyala.

lettaaaa 💗💥 · 1y

eyyyy, what a beautiful day it's going to be! mind to tell me what song describes how you feel today?

haven't heard any song for today, but i would go with Fourth of July from Sufjan Stevens. have a good day!

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