Misaki · 6 answers · 2y

If your OC had a Pokémon, what would it be?

I actually made a Pokemon Trainer OC for a Pokemon DND LOL, she's from Hoenn and is pretty hellbent on only using Hoenn pokemons but she ended up having one Salamence (because thats her startermon) and the rest are just randoms from other regions because she cant catch a single bloody Hoenn pokemons for her life

I've already thought of an entire team for Cetus! He has a Vaporeon that's like his main partner pokemon because it's cute and friendly and has his same tail type, but he also has a Primarina, a Gardevoir, a Malamar, a Slowking, and a Lapras. He tends to work with water/psychic type pokemon! Since I kind of imagine that if he was a pokemon himself, that would be his typing.

dr moby would have a furret for snuggling lol but on combat i think itd be a porygon

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