Khaleesi Rue · 14 answers · 23d

Selamat pagi, hari ini kalian sarapan pakai apa nih?

Agaknya telat ya aku jawabnya. Tapi kalau hari ini, aku sarapan telur rebus sama jagung!

Is it too late to reply... well, yesterday I didn't have my breakfast. But, I had ayam geprek for lunch!

selamat malam!! ahhhh i didnt even wake up in time to eat this morning so i just skipped breakfast 😔

pagi khale! (telat) tadi pagi sarapan pake roti panggang plus omelette. how about you?

Started my day with this awesome combo: crunchy fried catfish paired with some fiery sambal. It's hitting all the right spots! How about you? What's on your breakfast menu today, Rue?

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