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Katie · 8 answers · 2y

How do you define ‘love’ and what are the ways which you do in order to express it to your surroundings?

There are so many perspectives if we speak about love. Even me myself somehow find it hard to interpret the ‘love’ itself. But I think, love is when I find peace and comfrot in something. Where I can show my true colors without being judged. Truth to be told, love is beautiful and terrifying at the same time. We find happiness as we share love with everyone around us, but also it’s so scary to know that some people might silently hate us because they think we are being ‘too much’ in showing our love. However, who are they to tell us what to do though? For the thing, I choose to praise, respect, and appreciate my people as a form of expressing my love for them. I tell them that they always do good things and they are enough and worth to be loved.

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