Hilang · 11 answers · 8mo

is it worse to fail at something or never attempt in the first place?

It depends on the situation and the potential consequences of failure. If the risk of failure is high and the potential consequences are severe, then it may be worse to fail at something than to never attempt it in the first place. However, if the risk is relatively low and the potential rewards are great, then it may be worse to never attempt something at all.

In general, never trying at all will likely result in stagnation and missed opportunities for growth and progress. Without taking risks and facing the possibility of failure, it is impossible to achieve success or learn from mistakes. While failure can be discouraging, it also provides valuable lessons and opportunities for personal and professional development. Ultimately, it is important to weigh the potential risks and rewards before deciding whether it is worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place.

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