Alice 💋 · 10 answers · 4y

Herman Cain openly mocked masks and the "scamdemic", contracted covid at a Trump rally where attendees waived their right to sue if they test positive. Herman Cain is now dead from C19. Thoughts?

I always wondered why T was so determined to kill off as many of his own voters as possible with this whole mask carry on. Okay, so losing a few hundred/thousand/hundred thousand swivel-eyed MAGA disciples would be no bad thing. And if they want to tell anyone who’ll listen that the virus isn’t a big deal and we’re all just government-controlled sheep (bah!), that’s fine. They only have themselves to blame when they succumb, and one less single-toothed gun-toting redneck can only be a good thing. BUT! It’s the poor people they’ve interacted with before and after they became ill that, through no choice of their own, have been exposed. The shop workers, restaurant servers, hospital staff etc. They are paying a heavy price. All these idiots refusing to wear masks because of their freedom somehow being infringed are nothing more than selfish, inconsiderate arseholes who put their personal comfort before the lives of others.

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