Daniel · 10 answers · 4y

What should be normalized?

People with disabilities, gay people, fat people, trans people, people of all colours, creeds and faiths should be in films and on TV programmes of all kinds, and not just because their particular ‘point of difference’ is part of a plot line. If we all saw disabled/trans/brown etc people in run-of-the-mill TV shows every day being ‘normal’ - living banal lives with the same sets of upsets and problems we all have - then coming across them in everyday life wouldn’t be such a big deal for a lot of people. Having a person in a wheelchair in a film who isn’t there simply because (a) the script stipulates “person in wheelchair”, (b) there are no wheelchair/disability-related plot points, and (3) they’re not being saved by an able-bodied young white woman, can only be a good thing. (“Yeah, my legs don’t work but I still like to go to the pub on a Friday night.” kind of thing.) It takes away all the mystery and the ‘differentness’ and the fear.

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