Daniel · 11 answers · 3y

Why do some people want to buy really expensive bags?

I can’t speak for anyone else, but here are some of my reasons. First and foremost, to me they are things of absolute beauty. I like beautiful things, and I like to wear beautiful things. I make no apologies for this.

The quality will be outstanding. The leather, the stitching, the hardware, the attention to detail will all be first class. It’ll be made to last, so the handles and straps will never wear. The zips and closures will never break or come loose. The metal hardware won’t tarnish. The leather won’t scuff or become dull. (This is important to me, because things breaking or not doing what they’re supposed to do drives me insane.) And if a terrible accident does happen, you can send it back and they will repair it. For free. People who say things like “you can’t tell the difference between a fifty pound bag and a five thousand pound bag” don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. You can spot a fake bag from across a room if you know what to look for.

The customer service is excellent. To me, fantastic service is important and I’ll pay a premium for it. Buying the bag and then unwrapping it when you get home is an experience in itself, but the after sales service is top notch. A company called me more than two years after I’d bought a bag and asked me to return it because they’d had a few complaints. I got to pick any bag I wanted for free and they gave me the matching wallet as a gift. Not too shabby.

I don’t care about anyone else having the same bag, or if people notice it, or what it says about me. Some people seem to have a big problem when it comes to handbags, and I wonder why they care so much about what other people do with their money. Some people buy really expensive trainers, or mountain bikes, or car licence plates, or paintings, or graphics cards, because that’s what they like. I don’t know anything about any of those things, but if that’s what’s important to them then I hope they get as much pleasure out of them as I get from my handbags.

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