Daniel · 16 answers · 2y

What's your opinion about people who don't want to get vaccinated against corona?

I really don’t know, but the “I’m not selfish, it’s my body my choice” argument parroted ad nausea just doesn’t cut it. We’re not speaking about getting a nose job or a tattoo here: we’re speaking about YOU needlessly passing on a virus that could very easily make someone (or even a whole group of someones) unwell/seriously ill/disabled/dead. It’s like a sickness lucky dip really. “Which symptoms will you get?!” spins the virus wheel “Lucky you got no symptoms! Yeah… unfortunately the same can’t be said for the disabled cousin you saw a couple of weeks ago who got the full spectrum and has since shuffled off this mortal coil… But, hey, that’s the way the cookie crumbles, right? Right?!”

I don’t know when people became so worried about their health (or certain aspects of their health) that they decided that getting the therapy was actually worse than getting the disease. When we stopped dying of smallpox? When children could play in water without the possibility of ending up dead/deformed/disabled for life? When babies didn’t have to suffer and die gasping so hard for breath they made an awful once-heard-never-forgotten whooping sound?

When exactly did we become so learned about the dangers posed by vaccines that we totally forgot about the dangers posed by the diseases they were designed to wipe out? Why worry about a vaccine and not the shit, artificial, chemical-laden food you shovel down your throat every single day? Or the array of noxious gases you happily suck in every time you get in your filthy polluting car to drive somewhere you’re quite capable of walking to? Or the powerful narcotics you hastily neck at the tiniest promise of pain? If simply not caring about how YOU can pass on a totally preventable illness that could prove fatal to the girl at the checkout who has to ring through your cheap-shit burgers and beer on a Friday night isn’t selfish, then what the hell is? Because I cannot for the life of me come up with any other reason.

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