Arthur · 6 answers · 2y

Will music get better in the future?

“The music today is all shite. Not like it was in my day.” Yes, grandad. You know, they were saying exactly the same thing about the The Beatles? How terrible they were. How they were a flash in the pan. They’d never last. Yada yada yada…

Pop music is geared towards young people. Young people don’t have very sophisticated tastes, so the music they like (and buy) is pretty formulaic and unsophisticated. It’s also a fact that it’s the music that will stay with you forever because of all kinds of emotional associations.

For a lot of people, listening to stuff at age 40 that they listened to at age 20 is fine and dandy, but in those two decades music has moved on, and pop music has changed - sometimes drastically. So instead of hordes of young women fainting over The Beatles, they’re throwing their knickers at Duran Duran, then Oasis, then Justin Timberlake, then Justin Bieber, and on it goes. But. If you look beyond the pop charts, great music is being made every single day. It was true in 1962 when Bob Dylan released his first album, and it’s the same today, 60 years later. Who knows what’ll come out in the next 60 years? I, for one, can’t wait to find out.

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