Arthur · 7 answers · 1y

Beauty question: which one do you prefer, chemical or physical exfoliant?

I’m a great believer in exfoliation. Dead skin is dead skin. All it does is look bad and absorb all your moisturiser. It needs to go. Getting rid of it works wonders, but NEVER use chemicals. You don’t need to be burning the dead skin off when you can get exactly the same results by using a face cloth. Honestly, get yourself a decent facial wash and a few cheap face cloths - because they tend to be a bit rougher. Wash them without using fabric conditioner. Use a clean one every single time. Don’t scrub, just lightly rub all your face - and body - you’ll get to know how much pressure you need. You get immediate results. You’ll save a fortune and your skin will be glowing with health - not because it’s got chemical burns.

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