Teo · 12 answers · 4y

What's your favorite and least favorite chore to do around your home?

My favourite chore (if there is such a thing) would be loading the dishwasher. First, let me make one thing clear: my dishwasher-loading skills are legendary. Legendary. People go “You’re never going to get all that in there!” and I’m like “Ha! Watch and learn, my friend. Watch. And. Learn!” And then they’ll be all “Well the stuff won’t be cleaned properly!” and I just shake my head in ill-disguised pity as I effortlessly slide the colander into position. A couple of hours later it’s a very different story when they open the steaming appliance to find not only sparkling dishes - oh, no! - but no water lying in any of the places where water usually lies. Their look of disbelief closely followed by one of admiration. “It’s all to do with the angle...” I falter as they walk off in a huff. I have been known to rearrange dishwashers in other people’s homes, but it’s gotten to the stage now where people actually say things like, “I bet Penelope could get all that stuff in there.” My least favourite chore is ironing. I absolutely refuse to do it and pay a nice lady to take care of all mine.

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