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Buns 🐇 · 3mo

what's your MBTI❓

Hello. I don't really know as the results i got from different websites are different, but the last time it's ISFJ (changing from INFP) ☺️🤍

Kev. · 7 answers · 3mo

Hai.... Give me anime recommendations, please?

Aysele H. Blythe · 33 answers · 4mo

Hai, gimana lebarannya? Kalian masih dapat THR engga?

Lebarannya oke aja, nothing special, tapi masih bersyukur masih bisa rayain lebaran lagi tahun ini. Dapet, dikit doang 😂

Alastair. · 20 answers · 4mo

Kalian tim rendang atau opor?

Buns 🐇 · 4mo

hi, chiara!!! be happy and stay healthy! ❤️

Omg... This is the first thing i saw when i open up my retrospring? Might as well just tear up 🥹 Thanks a bunch, buns; it means a lot to me and likewise, i wish you well and for blessings to come your way. Be happy! 🤍

Gladys Hellena · 4mo

Chia! Gladys mau tau dong dessert favoritmu apa aja! :9

Aku suka banyaak ♡⁠⌓⁠♡ semua dessert suka, tapi ofc top tier es krim dan slice cake

Sheon · 18 answers · 4mo

Hello my retrospring friends, how's your holiday going? Anything interesting to share? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this week's holiday?

4, just because i still have so much things to do it made me kinda burn out—dihantam tugas, ditabok UTS, dan ditampar proposal proker. I can't even enjoy my holidays 😔

── 🝳 · 4mo

Greetings. Hi, I found your link in base. Can i get follback? xixixi thanks before 😉🖖

Sheon · 21 answers · 4mo

Do you guys have any plans/activities for the holiday this week? Mind telling me?

Gladys Hellena · 4mo

Pernah enggak bangun tidur tiba-tiba pengen jadi sufefenk??

KAK ADYS 😭 EH TAPI mau deh, coba sehari saja... Satu hari saja, aku menjadi sufefenk 😔

𖹭 · 50 answers · 4mo

mau tanya dong, kalo misalnya aku pernah reply/qrt tweet orang yang akunnya ga followan sama aku, waktu aku buka gembok akun ku kira-kirat itu reply/qrt nya bakal muncul di mentab orang itu ga?

nggak muncul di mentab, meng, tapi tetep bakalan kelihatan kalau dia lihat QRT, kayaknya

𝒩𝓎𝒶𝓃𝓎𝒶 ¨̮ · 5mo

hello, dear! i got your retrospring from base. mind you follow me baaack? thankyouu! (^_^)☆

ALA. · 5mo

Hii, Yica! I got your retro from base! So, can you shoot me a follow back? ♡

Alastair. · 17 answers · 5mo

Buka puasa hari pertama kalian pake apa, guys?

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