Penelope · 12 answers · 3y

Bruce Springsteen has been fined $500 for DUI. Should there be a sliding scale for fines (like in Switzerland) where the richer you are the more you pay? Is that fairer? Unfair? Tell me.

No, because let's be honest, even if the fine was 5 million, he could go do a gig and pay it off in a day (yeah I know, pandemic, but I'm saying he's got options) anyway I would be OK with no fine and a suspended license, that might be better than shaking people down for money - the system of fines is kinda gross to me, there are poor people who absolutely have to be able to drive in order to survive and function (because again, everyone is on their own and public services are gutted) and fines are going to be ruinous, so in those cases maybe first-timers should have restrictions on driving in lieu of having to pay money

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