Penelope · 13 answers · 3y

What do you think of ‘COVID passports’? Are they the path to virus freedom, or a divisive and discriminatory ploy? Will they do more harm than good? Tell me.

Do you remember a young lady on kiwi or some 'spring' iterations who was way into bacteria and viruses, was in school for it and all? I unfortunately forgot her name but I remember her having bacteria plushies...It would be interesting to know her thoughts...anyway I really don't know but my instinct is that this all feels rushed and 'reopening the economy' NOW is more important that anybody's life, and 'back to normal' is a problem for me because normal was/is FUCKED - we had such an opportunity to upend things and reshape society and the vaccine and 'passports' is just going to put everyone back to sleep, the news will eventually stop talking about it every day, and leaders will go back to doing nothing

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