Teo · 11 answers · 5y

In your onion, should professional workplaces should lax their policies/attitudes towards hiring employees with visible tattoos? elaborate because yes/no answers are boring, ty!

Well I'm someone who considers the necktie one of the bottom 5 apparel creations of all time, in Crocs territory - so I'm baised against bullshit formalities

Anyway yeah, I don't care about things like this, as a manager I just want someone to do their job, and as a client/customer, I want the same - I don't need you dressed up like much of anything, it almost feels kinda condescending, like when Paula Deen would have those plantation-themed events. "Just look at those negros in their little suits, how impressive!' That's the vibe I get from that whole culture of suits and shit.

just give me whatever it is I came to you for, tax preparation or cheese doodles, and let's both move on with our lives

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