Daniel · 7 answers · 2y

Many conspiracy-minded people say we should do our own research and think for ourselves regarding topics like vaccines and climate change. Aren't these topics way too complex to form a qualified opinion as a layman with some internet research? Shouldn't we trust what the large majority of experts say?

Covid is new for the 'experts' too, they don't really know what is going to happen - remember when vaccinated people didn't need masks anymore last summer? They really don't help themselves when they bend the knee for politicians and corporations - the CDC cut its 10-day quarantine to 5 days (in the middle of an omicron variant surge) and then places like Delta Airlines immediately slashed their sick benefits in half, that kind of shit is how conspiracies get born, our leaders do this to us all the time, systemically fail miserably and blame bad outcomes on individuals, like anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists - worse, the masses pick up that talking point and blame individuals too, ya'll please start being mad at systems and leaders, not the guy ranting online about chemtrails

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