Teo · 12 answers · 4y

What's your impression of the word "simp"? (Google it if you don't know it)

It gets thrown around quite a bit in my Black Men United group chat I named just now. Usually by the conservatives decrying weak willed men who let women walk over them. There is something to it though - while I believe in give and take, I also believe in boundaries, and a consequence is necessary when boundaries are crossed or it's meaningless... Once your partner knows there are no boundaries or consequences their respect for you will likely plummet

As for the word itself? I grew up being told it was 'someone idolizing mediocre pussy' so maybe it's crass but it makes the point effectively. Personally I don't much care what other guys are doing, if your girl treats you like an accessory and you're happy, SMH but it's fine

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