Daniel · 7 answers · 5y

What are topics, that people shouldnt joke about?

I don't believe in completely blacklisting any topic - who gets to draw 'the line' about what's acceptable or not? Evangelical Christians? Left wing progressives? No matter what line you draw, someone is going to a) be dissatisfied with it and b) intentionally go over the edge. It's the nature of comedy... good, effective comedy is rooted in truth, and the truth is often unpleasant and/or uncomfortable. Everything is OK or nothing is OK, you can't have it both ways. One of the bigger issues here is that hacky comedians go to 'edgy' material because they can't craft jokes well - they are lazy and hacky and using that kind of stuff will get them some quick attention and they can sell themselves as a 'bad boy of comedy' or whatever

Now all that said...You wanna attempt to make a rape joke or whatever, that's fine BUT understand that you can't have any expectation that people are going to like and accept your lazy shitty rape joke (this applies to any topic but especially if you're going to work with this kind of material) and you have to accept it might backfire and get that Netflix special cancelled, if that happens you are not a victim of society, you are a victim of YOU

(sorry, I dipped into the world of comedy writing and this subject is near and dear to my heart)

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