RhymewithRay · 9 answers · 1y

Which of these describes your oc if they were on a road trip with friends:
1) Designated driver (driver seat)
2) Navigator (front passenger seat)
3) Spotify DJ (Backseat)
4) Snack Distributor (Backseat)
5) Other (elaborate?)

1) Designated driver - Phillip (carefully monitored)

2) Navigator - Wily (Looking at UB-caused traffic)

3) Spotify DJ - Polly (Never plays her own songs)

4) Snack Distributor - Salvador (All the snacks have protein in them)

5) Other - Mahra as the conflict mediator. Will literally turn the car around with telekinesis if they don't stop arguing.

Andres: Designated Driver, he is a no nonsense that can break the rules if necessary

Jasmine: Navigator

Youen: Either Snack distributor or guy that's asleep most of the road trip and he's virtually impossible to wake up

Ming-Ming's either 2 or 3. She wouldn't be the snack distributor given some of her friends prefer their food junky AF.
Kazuki meanwhile is probably just napping in the backseat, though he'd also call shotgun frame 1.

Designated driver: Stahl, he has the endurance to drive 6+ hours and kind of needs to be in control.

Navigator: Arryn, she has an excellent sense of direction and overall perception and special awareness.

Snack Distributor: Avian is very good at making sure everyone (other than himself) is well fed and hydrated.

Dusk is absolutely the driver. When he is, however, good luck to anyone wanting to ride shotgun since Jen will always snatch it before anyone could even unlock the doors. She also dictates the radio like a brat. Dawn would end up in the backseat as navigator (and primary dps), and still challenges Jen for Radio control.

Probably 2, Navigator

Tyler can't drive yet, and he wouldn't drive a vehicle, he's banned from the Aux cord, and he has snacks but would eat someone else's first-

He knows his way around thanks to him constantly flying around and he has a good sense of direction, even without a map, so he's definitely the Navigator

Odd would more than likely take position as navigator in the front; while he can technically drive, his skills still leave him a little antsy behind the wheel, so he'd feel more comfortable playing course setter/corrector

He'd also be something of a mother hen for the other passengers, checking in to see if they're comfortable/tended to, as well as a fun fact giver whenever they drove past a point of interest

1) Andre cuz he likes to drive
2) Mariah bc she’s the responsible one and is patient enough to not stress the driver out (or get stressed out by the driver in this case hehe)
3) Nia bc she has the best taste in music (professional musician)
4) Violetta, certified snack enthusiast

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