riley ezri emily amy valerie loki azrael

resident guardian angel. its halo shines brightly, yet you cannot stop staring at it. by miracle, your eyes remain undamaged.

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an angel appears in your path. do you query its wisdom? request a blessing?


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ctrl · 7d

why are you so hot

masked worshipper · 2y

if you had unlimited resources what software would you make

masked worshipper · 2y

do you like summer or winter?

summer is nice because I don't have to wear jackets and my brand is more "t-shirt and jeans" kinda vibes

masked worshipper · 2y

You’re pretty cool. I’m a Roman Catholic (Papist). I work in a corn field but I’m allergic to the leaves so I come home with sores and rashes all over my limbs.

MxCraven · 2y

Mudguards that colour match the bike, or silver/black/white?

masked worshipper · 2y

have you watched linda linda linda (good movie tbh) (i am spreading movie propaganda)

masked worshipper · 2y

what the superior aesthetic? y2k or synthwave?

masked worshipper · 2y

You're so damn cute omg
Everytime I see you on fedi I want to write you but I fear to appear creepy or weird or anything

Steph · 2y

If you had to leave nl where would you go live and why?

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