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[she] – I'm Miya from Absturztaube. I want to answer your questions! I'm also a cat.
why do you have five pinned answers
I like these answers
What is the meaning of loaf?
It's a contraction of "Long AF" because they were thought to be the longest type of bread in existence. It would take another century for baguettes to be discovered.
[AH- Koneko is waving at... me? Or maybe at someone else? Should I wave back? If it's not directed at me that would be awkward... Also... Is it really Koneko? i feel like... no it has to be, right? Argh, I'm so bad with faces... What if I'm confusing him with someone else... If I wave back and it turns out he wasn't waving at me, maybe it'll be fine because I look friendly? No! ...No, I'll just look like an idiot. Can I pretend I didn't see him? Maybe if I look like I'm deep in my thoughts... Although I'm heading towards him, I can't keep this up forever. Should I change direction? That would look suspicious, at that point, he'd think I'm messing with him. Although... If it's not him , or if he's not waving at me, it will be okay. Surely this means that this has a 2/3 chance of being okay. Okay, I'll cha-] bonks into Koneko
I love you Miya
I love you too Miya
Tattoos or piercings?
I think I find piercings more appealing!!!
If you could get a man pregnant, who would it be? >:(
Sofia: I'd find a man that wants to get pregnant but can't and help them out.
Anita: Elon Musk maybe?
Mimi: I'd make every man pregnant it would be so funny.
But I will soon forget the color of your eyes and you'll forget mineee
How could I forget eyes to beautiful ~ a train?
Good question. Is a metro a train? Is a rollercoaster a train? The more you think, the less you know...
What is the dorkiest song on your playlist?
Scrolling through my favourites, "Pretty Scene Girl!" by Clover stands out
1) has starbucks discontinued anything that you have missed greatly?
2) if you are tasked to invent a new drink for starbucks, what would you make?
3) meeeeow?
I haven't been to Starbucks long enough for a drink I like to be discontinued, but of course I'd it if I could have a Pumpkin Spice Latter all year and not just in autumn.
What if Starbucks made floating island coffee? A floating island is a french dessert where you have meringue floating on custard, so I'm thinking about putting that in some coffee. Starbucks has taken inspiration from French desserts before with their crème brulée lineup so I could see it happen.
I wanna nyaa with you 🥺
We can do that!!! Nyaa~ Nyaaaaa~ Nya!
girls who can deadlift you over their heads?
Omg I love being carried 🥺❤️🔥❤️🔥
I had a job but then got fired because the company realised they couldn't actually hire me for legal reasons but then I went back to the office to try to figure out why but I never did
how do you decide what to throw away? i have hoarder tendencies and the number of Possessions I have accumulated is becoming quite annoying
I guess applying that principle that if it doesn't spark joy, it needs to be thrown away. It's hard but space is more valuable than useless stuff.
what is your favorite sound to make with your mouth
what is your favorite acronym
There's this french mnemonic for the OSI layers that goes "Ah Putain Salope Tu Recrache La Purée" (oh you whore, you spit back the mashed potatoes) which is the first letter of every layer in french from top to bottom.
I taught that to my class and it spread around the school very quickly.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Starbucks, as a reward for when I'm a good girl
The tiniest battery in the world
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