Almarala, Lady of Regrets · 4mo

Beau Bellamy, it has been a long time since I deigned to speak to you. I have been toying with your mortal sense of humor and I think I have finally grasped it. Tell me, have you heard this joke?

The activist Mahatma Gandhi was well-known for walking many miles on his bare, soft feet. Over time, they became hardened and rough. In addition to that, it was known he often fasted and this left him with a weak frame. It also made his breath smell horrible. I suppose one could call him a super-calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis.


It took me a bit, but I got the joke! Not to say that it wasn't good, I think you're doing great at jokes so far. I'd say you're took a great STEP into perfecting your jokes. We should get together at some point and we can bounce off each other. We can even do a duo comedy bit if you'd like.

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