Almarala, Lady of Regrets · 2mo

How intensely do you keep up with your physical training? Judging your appearance, I would assume you are an avid power trainer. I ask because, frankly, if you are so inclined towards your own discipline, we could use someone like you in our ranks.


I keep up with my training pretty much everyday. My appearance seems a bit much for a lifeguard working at a pool, but I wanted to go beyond for my community.

I try to keep maintaining my gains by doing exercises throughout my days. I spend early mornings before work working out a bit jogging around the neighborhood. On days I’m not working, I go to a gym and do a bit of workout stuff there. Basically, I’m training everyday whenever I can.

As for your offer, I’m honored, but I think I’ll pass. I’m pretty satisfied with my life right now and I don’t think that whole army thing isn’t for me. Appreciate the offer though!

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