Sephie · 12 answers · 1y

Arknights! Are there any characters who's real name hasn't been revealed that you have a headcanon for?

I want Mostima to be Mastema, Mousse to be Marie, Mint to be Mimi and Ash to be Eliza Cohen

thinks abt how all my fav male operators have their true name revealed it would be incredibly cool if mostima's true name was ramiel

I refuse to believe "Mostima" is her real name and instead it's actually something extremely boring like Mary or smth

I really like the idea of Elys name being Adonis bc it's very transgender of him

i specifically don't HC a name for W because i feel like it is such an important part of her character that she gets to choose her own name at some point

Mudrock is Abelia. Abelia means "breath" and I was thinking about how she breathes life into the Earth and speaks to it, making it come alive. So yeah.

in some au I wrote stuff for a while back, glaucus' name was sara
I think it suits them!!!!

ines' real name is agnes like saint agnes also known as santa ines theres a black sheep named the santa ines sheep and (I GET DRAGGED AWAY)

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