Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Like petals of the light fallen from the moon.
512 Ask
If you were a ghost what would you be?
A vampire 🧛
can you all suggest me an offline game that catch ur interest?
Stardew Valley! Kalau kamu suka game kaya harvest moon, it'll be fun.
suggest me something to draw
A cat!
Hti2 sama @ daisynne penipu, hoax, pnya hutang gk di byr, ska ngmbil pcr org, ibuny pelakor bpknya gigolo, msih berkeliaran di twter hti2 sma tkang tipu sok baik padhal jhat
I don't even know her, kurang-kurangin deh kirim kaya ginian.
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