Sean ⚡🤖 · 8 answers · 4y

Tell me about the last time you gave something/someone you disliked a second chance and your opinion was changed? Or anytime I guess. Just tell me something geez SMH

A while back I was told to avoid someone because they were "problematic" /talked defamatory things about me. ☘️HeSaid/SheSaid BlahBlahBlah. Turns out they are a lot like me. (Lol) In the sense they can be kind and caring and the person who warned me never recognized they themselves also had flaws. They were incapable of closure. Closes chapter ... Now I see, We get consumed in a small vortex that it's easy to overlook that of the many things we differ in, odds are we can find common ground as well. I never told her, I was warned to avoid her. The past is the past. Fortunately the future is unwritten and I wish all who were involved in that chapter found happiness. 💙

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