Daniel · 14 answers · 3y

Who is your favorite billionaire?

https://youtu.be/IALt5Jil9JM < 💛 Charles Francis Feeney (born April 23, 1931) is an Irish-American businessman & philanthropist who made his fortune as a co-founder of the Duty Free Shoppers Group. He is the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private charitable foundations in the world. Feeney gave away his fortune in secret for many years, until a business dispute resulted in his identity being revealed in 1997.He's given away more than $8 billion and has been called the "James Bond of philanthropy", for his secrecy and success. He's not widely publicized but luckily he's influenced other billionairs to be as giving in signing The Giving Pledge. This initiative is an effort to help address society’s most pressing problems by inviting the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to commit more than half of their wealth to philanthropy or charitable causes either during their lifetime or in their will. Creating in a way a better life for many .

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