Isabby · 8 answers · 1y

your thoughts about isa?! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎

Tough and hardworking woman I've ever known. Friendly, that's why she has many friends. This beautiful woman is like a star that shines when it is dark. ⭐️_⭐️

Anak kiciww masih sekolah, sama sih kaya aku.. semangat kelas akhirnya buat kita 👍🏻👍🏻

isa 🤔 you're just enjoying what you enjoy & i like that sm. we haven’t really talked a lot but you seem so so sweet and cool and i would really like to get closer:D

Isa orangnya lucu banget! Kalo aku suka liatin, Isa sibuk sekolah dan les ya? Tetep semangat ya cantik, semoga nanti hasilnya memuaskan. 🤍

hi, we haven't known each other, but i like your retrospring's theme and your name. you have such a beautiful name, Isa!!

Isa in my opinion issa loveliest sister ive ever met! she is easy to love, cute, and a hardworker person!♡

We're not that close, but seeing you on my timeline, I feel like you carries a lot of positive energy and a sweet person. Sometimes you talk about school, it makes me remember how I was at school at that time. I hope you can pass your high school exams successfully and get perfect grades. I also hope we can get closer in the future ya, Caisa.

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