Antoine Pierre. · 6 answers · 12mo

Do you have any movie recommendations that you think should be watched at least once in your life?

anime! dulu nyesel ngatain orang wibu tp seengganya orang orang harus tau nonton anime bisa bikin nangis

if you love action movie, please try to watch Taken or Transporter. but, if you love horror movie, you should try to watch Sinister~

I think it’s Catch Me If You Can, and Dead Poets Society. Catch Me If You Can is a very great movie tbh, the motives created by the main characters is very unpredictable that’s why I think it’s a very great movie. and for Dead Poets Society, it will surely changer your perspective in life after you watched it.

Uuuh… this is such a hard questions since I have plenty of it!! Like- a lot lot!! Interstellar? Studio ghibli movie? Argh so manyy!! We should watch it tgt tho!

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