Wasserpistole · 8 answers · 5y

When it comes to YouTube Videos in general. Do you often give them a "thumb down" or never, or sometimes? How is it?

No I just ignore what I don't like. Be great if I could actually do this in other parts of my life.

i never do, what's the point of giving them a thumbs down.. if i don't like video i just never watch anything from them again:)

I don't often, but I have.. when something is so bad it makes me angry. Like this one Christmas song that's supposed to be for children but the voice they use makes me think they think children are idiots. I hate that children are subjected to that kind of crap. There are like 100 copies of it on YouTube and I give it a thumbs down whenever I come across it.

I honestly have never given anyone a thumbs down. Never. Either a thumbs up if I like it or I just don't bother

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