Wasserpistole · 10 answers · 6y

Do you like kelp? / Magst du Seetang?

I like Dulse. Red one. I react a little to Kelp. I've a slightly overactive thyroid at times though.

Where I come from it’s used as fertiliser for growing potatoes. Really, really, really poor people used to eat it because it was free. Note, you had to be destitute before eating it because it’s rank. The smell alone...

Um I'm not sure if I've ever had it. Unless the seaweed in sushi is kelp. You just a) made me hungry and b) reminded me my favorite sushi place only opens at dinnertime on weekends. Thanks a lot pal :-P

if it's what i think it is (i know it as something else ..diff lang), then kind of..it's alright ..probably ..actually i can't remember if i like it or if it was alright. i'll look out for it next time i ..remember to

It's okay. As in..edible. The only reason I'd eat it is because it's healthy. I like dried seasoned seaweed better.

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