Wasserpistole · 7 answers · 6y

Do you like sweet potatoes, coconut and ginger? / Magst du Süßkartoffeln, Kokosnuss und Ingwer?

out of these, only ginger really. coconut can be good as part of some sweets but not much else, and sweet potatoes aren't my thing at all

Süßkartoffeln hab ich noch nie gegessen.
Kokosnuss mag ich nur in Cocktails.
Ingwer find ich total eklig.

Süßkartoffeln mag ich, Kokosnüsse weniger. Und Ingwer mag ich in Form von Ingwertee

i've never had sweet potatoes with coconut and ginger, but it's funny you ask about coconut and ginger because I just had a Jamaican coconut, ginger and cane sugar candy like thing a few minutes ago.

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