Daniel · 5 answers · 2y

What do you associate with these words: zero, amogus, beaver, nature, darkroom, greasy, colorstorm?

Zero: Circle enclosing nothing

Amogus: sus joke

Beaver: Inspection

Nature: Overrated prestige magazine

Darkroom: essential in PCB photoexposure lab

Greasy: fries and pizza aren't the worst actually

Colorstorm: some user on here?

zero: math, numbers, Coke Zero

amogus: amongus

beaver: dam, cootchie

nature: forest/jungle, animals, bugs, trees, thunderstorms, etc.

darkroom: red lighting, film photography

greasy: auto mechanic, burgers, Wendy's

colorstorm: Inhahe

Maya civilization, AmongUS?, 66% (Lady and the Tramp), survival of the fittest, photography, Starling (the bird), Reeshard.

fighter airplane, what the hell is "amogus"? , fur hat, curly hair, gay lust, Bavarian politics, Screen Saver

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